International Bottom Trawl Survey in the Mediterranean

Volume 1

General presentation

Medits Survey

Technical report



Final report

May 1998



Project 95 / 19 IFREMER - CE
Project 95 / 54 IEO - CE
Project 95 / 65 SIBM - CE
Project 95 / 27 NCMR - CE




This report is made of four documents:

General presentation and ‘Technical report’of the Medits 96 survey

‘Biological report’ of the Medits 96 survey

‘Technical report’ of the Medits 97 survey

‘Biological report’ of the Medits 97 survey

It is completed by a set of computer files including all the Medits 96 and 97 elementary data and by a leaflet named " Scientist list - Medits programme ".



The Medits programme is conducted owing to the financial support from the European Commission (DG XIV) and the following partners, the IEO for Spain, the IFREMER and the Territorial Collectivity of Corsica for France, the Italian Minister of forest, agricultural and food resources (DG fisheries and aquaculture) for Italy as well as Slovenian, Croatian and Albanian areas, the N CMR for Greece.



This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission and in no way anticipates any future opinion of the Commission. Permission to copy, or reproduce the contents of this report is granted subject to citation of the source of this material. The study has been carried out with the financial assistance of the European Commission.


Co-ordination of the Medits programme (1996 and 1997)

Co-ordination Committee

Jacques Bertrand (General coordinator, IFREMER)





Steering Committee

The members of the Co-ordination Committee

Gianni ARDIZZONE: Ligurian Sea, North and Central Tyrrhenian Sea

Dino LEVI: South Tyrrhenian Sea and Sicilian Channel

Angelo CAU: Sardinia

Giovanni MARANO: West Ionian Sea and part of South Adriatic Sea

Corrado PICCINETTI: North, Central and part of South of Adriatic Sea

Stanko CERVEK: North-East Adriatic Sea (Slovenia)

Stjepan Jukic-Peladic: Central-East Adriatic Sea (Croatia)

Alexander FLLOKO: South-East Adriatic Sea (Albania)

Argyris KALLIANIOTIS: North Aegean Sea

Georges Tserpes: South Aegean Sea

Chrissi-Yianna Politou: Argosaronic Gulf and East Ionian Sea

The chairmen of the thematic working groups

Thematic working groups (chairpersons)

Methodology: E. Ferrandis

Data base: A. Souplet

Selectivity and efficiency of the gear: L. Fiorentini




As for the previous years, the Italian teams were organized in twelve research teams:


1) IZUG Genova, Prof. G. Relini

Istituto Zoologia - Università di Genova

Via Balbi, 5 - 16126 Genova

Tél. 010 - 202600 2099465

Fax: 010 - 2099323


7) DBAE Cagliari, Prof. A. Cau

Dipartimento Biologia Animale ed Ecologia

Università di Cagliari

Viale Poetto, 1 - 09100 Cagliari

Tél. 070 - 370263

Fax: 070 - 380285


2) CRIP Livorno, Dr R. Auteri

Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale Della Toscana

Via dell'Ambrogiana 2 - 57127 Livorno

Tél. e Fax: 0586 - 804181


8) LBMP Fano, Prof. C. Piccinetti

Laboratorio di Biologia Marine e Pesca

Università di Bolobna

Viale Adriatico, 1/N - 61032 Fano (PS)

Tél. 0721 - 802689 802736

Fax: 0721 -n 801654


3) CIBM Livorno, Dr S. De Ranieri

Centro Interunivesitario di Biologia Marina

Piazzale Mascagni, 1 - 57100 Livorno

Tél. 0586 - 805504


9) LBMB Bari, Prof. G. Marano

Laboratorio di Biologia Marina

Molo Pizzoli (porto) - 70123 Bari

Tél. 080 - 5211200

Fax: 080 - 5213486


4) DBAU Roma, Dr G.D. Ardizzone

Dipartimento Biologia Animale e dell"Uomo

Università di Roma

Via dell'Università 32 - 00184 Roma

Tél. et Fax: 06 - 49914773


10) IZAC Bari, Prof. A. Tursi

Istituto Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata

Università di Bari

Via Amendola, 165/A - 70126 Bari

Tél. 080 - 243350

Fax: 080 - 243358


5) COISPA Bari, Dott. ssa M.T. Spedicato

COISPA Tecnologia Ricerca Soc Coop. a. r. l.

Contrada Padovano - Cas. Post. 62

70042 Mola di Bari

Tél. 080 - 8732077

Tél. et Fax: 080 - 8733440


11) ITPP Mazara del Vallo, Dr D. Levi

Istituto di Tecnologia della Pesca e del Pescato - C.N.R.

Via L. Vaccara, 61 - 91026 Mazara del Vallo (TP)

Tél. 0923 - 948390

Fax: 0923 - 906634

6) ITM Messina, Dr S. Greco

Istituto Talassografico C.N.R.

Spianata S. Ranieri, 86 - 98122 Messina

Tél. 090 - 669003

Fax: 090 - 669007

12) IRPEM-CNR, Dr L. Fiorentini

Istituto di Ricerche sulla Pesca Marittima - C.N.R.

Largo fiera della pesca - 60100 Ancona

Tel.: 0712 - 078841

Fax: 0715 - 5313


These teams have managed a collaboration with the NIB (Slovenia), the IOR (Croatia) and the MAF Albania) to enlarge the programme in the Adriatic Sea.

In Spain, collaborations were arranged with the ICM from Barcelone and the University of Alicante (Department of Statistics).

In Greece, three institutes collaborated within the programme in 1996: the NCMR (Athens), the IMBC (Iraklion) and the NAGREF-FRI (Kavala).

Furthermore, the collaborations have been extended to the scientists who contributed in the survey (cf. the boarding tables) and who took part in the meetings (cf. the reports of the meetings).




The Medits programme is an international bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean. It has been designed from a European Commission’s initiative to produce biological data on the demersal resources along the coasts of the four Mediterranean countries of the European Union (Spain, France, Italy and Greece). The main objective was to obtain independent knowledges useful for the fishery management, in an area where it is difficult to follow in detail the exploitation patterns of the fishing fleets. The programme began in 1993 and, for now, four annual surveys have been conducted. Since 1996, the programme covers almost all the Adriatic sea owing to the participation of scientists from the Balkan countries (Albania, Croatia and Slovenia). Involving about twenty institutes and laboratories from the seven participating countries, the programme is the first one which produces such common data at this scale in the Mediterranean, covering all the trawlable areas on the shelves and the upper slopes (at depths from 10 to 800 m) and using the same standardized protocol. During each survey, about one thousand hauls are carried out. At the end of each survey, all the data are combined and a working group produces standardized analyses on the abundance and the length distribution of around thirty reference species. The development of further data analyses from the first four surveys (1994 to 1997) will be incited through a symposium which will be held in 1998.

This report presents the works done inside the programme during the years 1996 and 1997. It contains all the available information linked with the conditions whereby each of the surveys have been carried out and the first general biological results obtained by that way. To make easier the consulting of the information, the documents are divided into two reports for each survey: one Technical report and one Biological report.

During the last two years (1996 and 1997), the contribution of each of the partners continued to strengthen due to the development of their experience in this common work. As the first objective of the programme was to produce a common data bank, efforts have been conducted to maintain and develop the quality of this data bank. Therefore, routine checking procedures have been introduced for the verification of the data. Furthermore, the common annual analysis of the biological data organized each year during a working group strongly contributes to the validation of the data.

The results obtained during the last two years confirm the general trends identified during the previous years on the geographical and bathymetric distribution of the thirty-one reference species. In addition, as a series of four years is now available for the main areas covered by the surveys, first indications have been obtained on the year to year variations in the abundance of these species. So for some important species like Merluccius merluccius , very big changes may occur between the areas and the years, illustrating the very wide diversity of the situations between the different places. Furthermore, it appears that those variations are very different from one species to another one, not permitting to identify in such a short period a general trend on the condition of the demersal resources in the Mediterranean.

The present data bank has to be considered as a first step to promote the development of local and general analysis of those fishery resources in the future. To progress in that direction, the partners of the programme have prepared an important contribution to the symposium on Assessment of demersal resources in the Mediterranean and the adjacent Seas which will be held in Pisa (Italy) in March 1998.








Volume 1

General report and Medits 96 Technical report


General report

General presentation

Technical report Medits 96 survey



Appendix I: Vessels used for the survey

Appendix II: General calendar

Appendix III: Boarding tables

Appendix IV: Stratification scheme

Appendix V: Sampling scheme

Appendix VI: List of computer files



Reports of the thematic working groups

Methodology (Alicante, January 1996)

Data base (Athens, April 1996)

Selectivity (Paris, Décembre 1996)


Main meetings reports

Elba (May 1996)

Paris (November 1996)


The designations employed and the presentation of material do not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of mentioned area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.